Tag Archives: laborers

Different Degrees of Glory

Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things: enter into the joy of the Lord.      Matthew 25:21

Sometimes people ask how it will be possible to be perfect in heaven and still keep growing in knowledge and in likeness to our Lord.  Well, Jesus was perfect from the moment that He was born, and yet the Bible says that He grew not only in stature but in wisdom.

Similarly, when we reach heaven we will be perfect.  But every “day” in heaven we will also keep on growing and learning, and heaven will never become dull because that growth will have no limits.

This means too that there will not be monotonous uniformity in the hereafter.  Just as there are differences among us here on earth, so there will be differences among the citizens of heaven.

It is a strange fact that, while most people are eager to outdo the other person here upon earth and are rarely satisfied with present accomplishments and attainments, many Christians are quite content with the thought that they’ll get into glory, by grace, and are quite unconcerned as to what their station there will be.

Perhaps they are unconsciously thinking of the parable of the laborers who received the same wage at the end of the day despite the fact that some worked many more hours than others.  But this parable only intends to teach us that whether we are young or old upon conversion or young or old when we die we shall all be perfect and completely happy in heaven.  But the parable of the pounds is designed to tell us that our stations in glory will vary tremendously, and they are being determined right now by our degree of faithfulness here upon earth.  Why should anybody be satisfied with barely getting in?