Tag Archives: brook


“Jesus said to them….He who believes in me shall never thirst.”       John 6:35

If it is true, as the poet (Thompson) insisted, that we should see God in every tree and rock, surely we think of him when we see water.  It is perhaps the greatest symbol of spiritual truth in the world.  If it is true, as Paul says, that even the Bible-less heathen will have no excuse for ignorance because God speaks in the silent sun, surely every babbling brook preaches to believer and unbeliever alike.

Water often is a regular reminder of that great destruction by which God punished the world of Noah’s day.  The person who reads in the newspaper of drownings, tidal waves, shipwreck and other aquatic disasters without thinking of sin and its consequences is quite blind to God’s so-called general revelation.  Repeatedly the Bible warns that as certain as is the fact of the first flood, so sure is the final conflagration.

Happily, water was created by God as a symbol also of salvation.  The same flood that destroyed the godless saved Noah and his family, while the same sea that drowned Pharaoh ransomed God’s people.  Every time we wash or enjoy a refreshing drink we can, by right, give thought to Him who said, “Every one that is thirsty: come to the waters.”  And again, “Wash, make yourself clean.” “Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”

People are said nowadays to thirst for power, for knowledge, for fame.  And so they do.  But the Christian knows the satisfaction of which Jesus spoke when He said that whoever enjoys Him will not know thirst of any kind.